It has been a long time since my latest update for the WebServer. It’s really hard to arrange my time for this project now. So I decided to publish its source code.

Hello guys, I just finished the first stage of a WebServer AMP Stack tool for Windows. This tool will install Apache, MySQL, MariaDB as your needs, and it also configures these servers automatically. Download from SourceForge:
Setup LAMPP on Linux

In the previous post, I did show you how to create LAMPP Desktop Icon on Linux. In this post, I will show you step-by-step how to install it and how to configure it for more convenience.
Disable SELinux

Despite the power of SELinux, sometimes it was the most complicated thing to overcome when we doing daily work or when we installing new software (eg: setup a website with content outside document root). In this post, I will show you how to disable SELinux temporarily/permanently.
LAMPP Desktop Shortcut for Linux

It was a long time since the last working in Fedora Linux. Today, I get back to work with it. So I decided to install LAMPP to quickly depart again. You can found it here: But, it’s weird if every time I need to start the LAMPP Manager, I need to open the terminal […]
CWS Admin Theme – A Free HTML Template

Hello all you guys! I just published an admin HTML Template to Github: URL: Demo:
Docker Compose for Laravel project

In this article, I’ll introduce to you about: “Why we need to use Docker Compose?” and “How to use Docker Compose for your Laravel projects?“. In addition, we will try to use Compose to see how it makes our life easier.
Where is my php.ini file?

You’re running a PHP site and you just realized that the maximum upload size is a little bit small. You decided to increase the maximum upload size. But, you wonder yourself that: Where is my php.ini file – PHP config file?
Composer run slowly – Make it run faster

Let’s talk about: “What’s the reasons that make composer run slowly?” and “How to make it run faster?“.
DevTools version 0.1.0

I proudly announce that DevTools version 0.1.0 was just released. I hope it can help you as much as possible when developing your great project. DevTools link: