Hello guys, I just finished the first stage of a WebServer AMP Stack tool for Windows. This tool will install Apache, MySQL, MariaDB as your needs, and it also configures these servers automatically.
Download from SourceForge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/webserver-amp-stack/
- Install servers as your needs, nothing preinstalled at all.
- Auto-download server’s binary from SourceForge while installing.
- Supported Servers: Apache + mod_fcgid, MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB.
- Support multiple PHP versions, each website/project can use different PHP versions.
- Can run websites in an existing project outside the WebServer folder.
Another awesome point of this tool is portability. You can put this WebServer on your external hard-drive, and use it everywhere. You don’t need to change the server’s path manually. This tool will handle this work for you.

This tool provides you an area on the right to manage websites/projects. And you can also choose the different PHP versions for each website/project. It also helps you to create an entry on Windows’ hosts file.

Instead of creating websites manually, you can create websites easily with this tool. And you can also mark to create Windows’ hosts file entry automatically.

I still developing this tool to provide more and more useful features. Please give it a try. If you think this tool is a good tool for your works, please share this post or write a good review on SourceForge (https://sourceforge.net/projects/webserver-amp-stack/reviews).
- [] https://sourceforge.net/projects/webserver-amp-stack/files/WebServer-
- [] https://sourceforge.net/projects/webserver-amp-stack/files/WebServer-
- [ 0.1.7] https://sourceforge.net/projects/webserver-amp-stack/files/WebServer-0.1.7.zip/download
- [ 0.1.6 ] https://sourceforge.net/projects/webserver-amp-stack/files/WebServer-0.1.6.zip/download
- [ 0.1.5 ] https://sourceforge.net/projects/webserver-amp-stack/files/WebServer-0.1.5.zip/download
- [ 0.1.4 ] https://sourceforge.net/projects/webserver-amp-stack/files/WebServer-0.1.4.zip/download
- [ 0.1.3 ] https://sourceforge.net/projects/webserver-amp-stack/files/WebServer-0.1.3.zip/download
- [ 0.1.2 ] https://sourceforge.net/projects/webserver-amp-stack/files/WebServer-0.1.2.zip/download
- [ 0.1.1 ] https://sourceforge.net/projects/webserver-amp-stack/files/WebServer-0.1.1.zip/download
[] – 2021-07-12
- Fix CDN link of softwares.
[] – 2021-06-21
- Load PHP extension “opcache” use “zend_extension” directive.
[ ] – 2021-02-07
- Change MySQL download link.
[ 0.1.7 ] – 2021-01-28
- Auto-remove PHP Wrapper from Apache config if the wrapper does not exist anymore.
- Spacing characters in the path used in FcgidWrapper must be escaped with a backslash.
[ 0.1.6 ] – 2021-01-28
- Add icons.
- Add log watcher.
- Add log function for Apache.
- Add log function for MySQL.
- Add log function for MariaDB.
- Add log function for MongoDB.
- Check website existence while opening website config.
- Change Server’s name after installed.
- Check SSL cert & key file path.
- Support website outside “Websites” folder.
- Write log to file.
- Validate Apache SSL config directive-by-derective, only change config file if needed.
- Can not add SSL support when create.
- Apache auto-fix path error.
- Apache can not install if websites have missing PHP versions.
- Show port can not be zero message if Apache not installed.
- Wrong URL when launch website.
- Can not install PHP versions.
- Infinitive loop when replace config.
[ 0.1.5 ] – 2021-01-24
- Add HTTPS support for Apache.
- Add Edit action in website Actions menu.
- Click website name will open website in default Browser.
[ 0.1.4 ] – 2021-01-23
- Add PHP config.
[ 0.1.3 ] – 2021-01-23
- Add MongoDB.
- Reduce text “x64 Only” to “x64”.
[ 0.1.2 ] – 2021-01-22
- Auto create missing service while starting server.
- Add change port function for Apache, MySQL, MariaDB.
- Set default password for MySQL while installing.
- Map public folder inside, instead of root public_html folder.
- Auto create hosts file entry for website.
[ 0.1.1 ] – 2021-01-14
- Optimize AppBase functionality code.
- Optimize UI when deleting a website.
[ 0.1.0 ] – 2021-01-12
- Install/Uninstall Apache, MySQL, MariaDB.
- Install/Uninstall PHP Versions.
- Install/Uninstall servers as a Windows service.
- Manage websites with different PHP versions.
- Reformat websites list.
- Download archives from SourceForge.